Monday, August 08, 2011

A study in Red: Valentine Typewriter & Kitchen


  1. You really HAD to have a red Valentine with all those great red objects in the house.

    For typewriter geeks, "pica" refers to the pitch (size) of the type: 10 characters per inch, regardless of the typeface (style) in question. "Elite" refers to a smaller pitch, 12 characters per inch.

  2. Thanks, Richard! So it seems that this Valentine has "Elite" 12 pitch, since more letters fit per inch.

  3. Wow, that is a LOT of red! The Valentine matches perfectly. Now I should send you on a quest for other typewriters that have been made in red at some point or the other: Royal Quiet de Luxe, Everest K2, Olympia Socialite, Imperial Good Companion, Olivetti Dora, Corona 4, Olivetti Ico... wait, don't show James any of this, he might actually take it as a challenge!

  4. I don't know anything about typewriters except that I think they can be very beautiful pieces of work equipment. We have one old one that we purchased when S was going through his TinTin phase and wanted to be a reporter.

    But I do know a gorgeous kitchen when I see one. Such an eclectic mix of red "things". Just fantastic.

  5. Everything old is new again. I've got a thing for old washboards. I bought two of them in this little store at Rockaway Beach and I just love them. The old guy that sold them to me said "Oh you can just use an SOS pad to get the rust off that one!" I said "Are you kidding me? That's part of the charm!

  6. @ Adwoa: What do you know about BLUE typewriters? We've got a blue color scheme going on in the back yard! I "need" a blue typewriter. (James, take note...)

  7. Blue? If it's baby blue you're after, steer yourself towards other Olivettis, like the Lettera 32 and Studio 44. Except for repaints, I don't think I've even seen one come in a shade other than blue (possibly why the Valentine turned so many heads, although very rare ones come in blue, too.)

  8. I finally "meet" a typospherian who actually owns a... no, two Valentines! Yes, the perfect typewriter for a "red" theme. I also enjoyed reading about your other lo-tech. More please!

    Thanks again for your kind words. I thoroughly enjoyed your blog, will follow.
